Sound Toggle On/Off

How do i create an image where each click of the left mouse button toggles the sound on and off . Thank guys. :nerd: :slight_smile:

With some events:

Conditions: Mouse left click is pressed
Cursor is over ToggleSoundSprite
Trigger once
Actions: Do = 1 to variable else

        //Sub-event 1
        Conditions: Variable sound_enable is = 0 (or ToggleSoundSprite animation is = 0)
        Actions: Do = 1 to variable sound_enable (or set ToggleSoundSprite animation = 1)
                 Enable sound
                 Do = 0 the variable else

        //Sub-event 2
        Conditions: Variable sound_enable is = 1 (or ToggleSoundSprite animation is = 1)
                    Variable else is = 1
        Actions: Do = 0 to variable sound_enable (or set ToggleSoundSprite animation = 0)
                 Disable sound

With these events you can use a variable to track the sound (sound_enable) or the animation of the sprite object (button) that toggles the sound (animation 0 = sound disable, animation 1 = sound enable).
The โ€œelseโ€ variable is a workaround to avoid launching the second sub-event just after the first one, in other words, allows to run only one of the sub-events each time :slight_smile:


This work great. :smile:
Thanks Lizard-13