Lubuntu 64-bit: Can't install.

I get two errors when trying to install as per the instructions:

When running sudo apt-get update:
Failed to fetch … 4/Packages 404 Not Found

As a result, when running sudo apt-get install gdevelop:
Unable to locate package gdevelop

I tried searching the forums for this issue and I found one result from 2015 where the problem was the user was trying to install on a 32-bit Ubuntu. My Lubuntu is 64-bit.

This package doesn’t exist here.
You have multiple other package. Choose your version(code name) of ubuntu … ntu/dists/

Your version of ubuntu is maybe not supported
Version and Code name of ubuntu

It seems GD supports from Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) up to Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) :frowning:

Darn. I’m using version 16.10 (Yakkety Yak). So this means I’m out of luck unless the devs update it?

Maybe you can compil your version with source

Yeah, I have compiled it some days ago, and now it’s even easier :smiley:
Just follow the tutorial:

An annonymous hero has compiled GDevelop in Ubuntu 16.10 64bits, and is sharing the .deb file, you can try it here:
[url]Ubuntu x64 16.10 .Deb]
It is not a recommended way, and maybe you have to install wxwidget 3 and some other libraries, the console will warn you. But it will save you an hour of compilation and 10 hours of setting everything up for the first time and learn some things if you haven’t compiled anything before :slight_smile:

I get a error, maybe you need to do a:

sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/gdevelop

after installed.

Here is the new .deb
pls, dont download another .deb.